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Reptile Rescue

Reptile Rescue

“Reptile Rescue” is an inspiring and adventurous TV show centered around Timothy Nealon and his fervent dedication to reptiles. The series offers a captivating look into Timothy’s life as he operates his reptile sanctuary in south Louisiana, a haven for endangered reptiles from around the World.

Viewers are taken on a global journey, witnessing his tireless efforts to protect these extraordinary creatures from the brink of extinction. A particular focus of the show is Timothy’s renowned work with the Leaf-Tailed Geckos of Madagascar, showcasing his deep connection and expertise with these unique species.

Throughout the series, audiences will see Timothy’s quest to assemble the perfect team of conservationists, veterinarians, scientists, and fellow reptile enthusiasts. Together, they face the challenge of safeguarding these rare and delicate reptiles and navigating the complexities of conservation work.

“Reptile Rescue” is not just about the survival of these animals but also about the passion and perseverance of those ‘normal people’ who dedicate their lives to preserving Earth’s diverse wildlife.


United States


Docu-Follow Series


In Production


Creative, Pilot


January 8, 2024