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12, Some Streeet, 12550 New York, USA
(+44) 871.075.0336
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meet the team

At misCONCEPTION Media, we are on a mission to redefine television by producing groundbreaking shows that go beyond the ordinary, aiming to unravel preconceived notions and encourage viewers to see the world through a new lens.

Christi Lukasiak

Co-Founder & CEO

Tim Nealon

Co-Founder & COO

Annie Leonard

Co-Founder & Producer

Jake Burke

Co-Founder & Producer

Experience Life through a new Pespective

thought-provoking, inspirational
Our commitment to innovation is evident in every aspect of our productions. From thought-provoking narratives to cutting-edge cinematography, misConception Media brings together a team of visionary creators who are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of conventional television. We believe in the power of storytelling to inspire change, provoke thought, and foster a deeper understanding of the diverse perspectives that make up our world.