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Pretty Spooky

Pretty Spooky

“Pretty Spooky,” hosted by the charismatic Christi Lukasiak, is a unique television series that marries the allure of travel with the exploration of misunderstood cultures and enigmatic situations.

Each episode sees Christi embarking on a new adventure, delving into the heart of diverse communities that are often shrouded in mystery or misconceptions. As she immerses herself in these cultures, Christi often finds herself in hilariously awkward situations, trying her best to fit in and understand the local customs and traditions. Despite the initial challenges and comic missteps, the show consistently delivers a heartwarming message: beneath the surface differences, a common thread of humanity binds us all.

“Pretty Spooky” not only entertains but also enlightens, breaking down barriers and showcasing the universal similarities that unite people from all walks of life.


United States


Docu-Follow Series


In Production


Creative, Pilot


January 8, 2024